Billy Carlyle

My girlfriend and I

Welcome to my website, here I'll upload pictures or entries about what I've been working on and any significant events I'd like to share. If you'd like to get in touch with me my main email address is

I've lived in Scotland my whole life and I'm currently studying physics at the University of St Andrews. When I'm not studying in St Andrews I live on my family's farm in the South West where we keep sheep and cattle. In my spare time I mostly tinker with computers, (both in terms of software and hardware) usually with the goal of optimising my GNU/Linux configuration with minimal use of proprietary software. I spend a fair bit of time playing the bagpipes and the guitar as I've mentioned on this page about the different skills I have and hope to write and record some music soon, so keep an eye out for that.

To the left is a photograph of myself and my wife Ishbel after my parents' silver wedding anniversary.