My Skills and Interests


The GNU/Linux operating system has been an interest of mine for a long while now, and it's an operating system that I would encourage anyone who uses a computer on a regular basis to explore and learn. I've also run a home server in the past which served as a media server, a multi-user file server, a web server, a mumble (voice comms) server, and technically an email server, though BT don't allow consumer broadband packages to host mail servers so I wasn't able to keep that one going.

Useful packages I am familiar with:

Device Management:

I have experience managing Windows and Android devices for a large (>10,000 devices each) company. This includes creating build profiles, packaging software and using windows Task Scheduler with custom powershell scripts.

MDM Platforms I have experience with:

Computer Programming

I've been interested in programming computers since I was around 13, though I made little progress to begin with as I had no formal education in computing and no one to answer my questions. In recent years I've worked on a few of my own programs, the main one being ntl, an interpreter and compiler for my own note-taking language which takes a minimal text file with a few commands and compiles a formatted pdf document. The project is unfinished but I learned a great deal about regex and working with other peoples' libraries.

Languages I've used:

Practical/manual Experience

As mentioned on my home page, I've grown up on a farm and as a result I have experience handling sheep and cattle, and driving tractors.

I have also worked jobs in:


I play the bagpipes, guitar and mandolin. I haven't finished writing any music to a standard that I'm happy to release yet but when I do I'll have links to everything on this website. I used to play in a band called PLUM when I was younger, videos of PLUM can be found here.

In terms of studio work I mostly use Ableton Live at the moment, but I'm exploring different options and trying to put together a workflow using only free (frei) software. If I get to the stage where I'm happy with this project I'll have a page on here about it and probably make a video talking about it.

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